Here is a map that shows all food distribution sites nearby
View the Denver Area Meal Distribution Map
Food Resource Hotline: Call 855-855-4626, Monday – Friday (8 am – 4:30 pm). The Food Resource Hotline keeps all information confidential and has bilingual staff ready to help Coloradans find food and nutrition resources in their community, as well as provide assistance for applying to federal nutrition programs such as SNAP.
Food Resource Hotline Bilingual: In addition, the statewide Food Resource Hotline is a bilingual toll-free number that connects Coloradans to needed food and nutrition resources. Call the bilingual Food Resource Hotline at 720-382-2920. It is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Messages left after-hours or on a weekend will be returned the next business day. If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Colorado at 711 or 800-659-2656.